The official opening of the multipurpose...
Siyazakha School
Siyazakha Primary School is in Brown’s Farm, Philippi, Cape Town. It is a public primary school serving the local community, with approximately 1,400 learners and 39 teachers. The school is a no-fee institution, which means it relies heavily on government funds to cover its operating costs. Many students attend under conditions that include low resources, overcrowded classrooms, and a need for additional support services. Despite these limitations, the school attempts to provide a nurturing educational environment that fosters growth and development in all its students. The Rotary Club of Constantia has played an important role in aiding positive changes in the Siyazhaka community. The club focuses on improving education, healthcare, infrastructure, and economic opportunities for the Siyazhaka community, assuring long-term success.
Siyazakha School Sports Astroturf
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